KCDC will hold its next business meeting on Tuesday, April 8, at 6pm. THIS IS AN IN-PERSON MEETING AT THE COMMUNITY ROOM OF THE ROCKLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY.
NOTE: The Rockland Public Library will be the location of monthly meetings in 2025.
This month’s agenda includes (not necessarily in this order):
Guest speakers: Panel on Attainable Housing Solutions for Midcoast Maine
The lack of accessible and affordable housing has been recognized as a critical need and a barrier to economic growth in Knox County and throughout Maine. Efforts to address solutions are debated and concepts considered at the local, regional and statewide level. Our panel of experts will address the significant positive strides made in Knox County and in the state that have resulted in the creation of new homes and apartments in our county for people and families at the low-income and the market level. Panel members include Representative Valli Geiger, legislator and housing advocate; Tia Anderson, Exec. Director, Midcoast Habitat for Humanity; Adam Lachman, Rockland City Councilor; Caleb Lincoln, Local Housing Developer; and Chris Lee, CEO of Backyard ADU.
The panel discussion will be followed by the regular business meeting of KCDC.
All Knox County Democrats and unenrolled progressives are welcome to attend KCDC meetings.
If you would like to become a voting member of KCDC, please make your request to our Recording Secretary Linda Souers at ldsouers@gmail.com